Guest Compendium
Magpie Cottage
Homestay Bed and Breakfast
We will do our best to make your stay both comfortable and enjoyable.
Check in
Check in is from 3pm. However if Martin, the host, has been asked to relieve for an absent teacher at the local high school he may not be back until 3:30 pm. In this case he can email/message you with instructions on how to enter the cottage. (His mobile number is 021 077 1571)
The Wi-Fi Networks are Magpie Cottage 5g or Magpie Cottage 2.4 The password for both is 37Rangaroa.
Cell-phone services
A characteristic of Taumarunui is patchy cell-phone service, which affects Magpie Cottage. If you have Wifi Calling enabled on your phone setting this should solve the problem. If your phone does not have this feature ask us how to get around the issue.
The bathroom is opposite your room. It is a shared bathroom but there is another toilet with a hand-basin in the laundry area which the host generally uses.
Would you please dispose of any non-flushable items such as wet wipes etc. in the rubbish bin in the bathroom, the kitchen tidy or the rubbish bin outside the back door.
You will find towels etc. on your bed or your wardrobe.
The lounge and dining area are shared spaces so feel free to use them. The kitchen is also free to use for tea and coffee making etc. If you want to cook a meal please liaise with the host Martin.
We provide a free continental breakfast. The breakfast will be placed on the table by early morning and milk and butter etc. will be in the fridge.
Evening meals
See information following on suggestions of places where you can go for an evening meal. If you wish to use the kitchen to cook you own meal that is fine. In need Martin can help by showing you where everything is and how it works.
Smoking or vaping
Magpie Cottage is a no-smoking no vaping place but you are welcome to do so on the covered deck outside – but we ask you to be careful about how you dispose of any cigarette butts.
Checkout time is 10 am. However, as previously mentioned, the host, Martin, is a relieving teacher at the local high school he can be called up on any school day and may have left before this 10 am check out time. In this case just push in the button on the inside door handle to lock it and close the door behind you as you leave. Farewell, we loved having you and have a safe journey.
If you have booked with us directly and have not paid on arrival we ask that you settle your bill the before the evening prior to your checkout.
We can take Visa and MasterCard credit and debit cards.
We do not have an EFTPOS facility but you can pay by internet banking by crediting the Magpie Cottage bank account 02-0100-0509912-005. (If possible would you kindly show Martin the payment on screen)
If you would like information on places to see and things to do we would be please to assist. If you don’t see or need to know something just ask us.
We find that we are learning the whole time so if you have any suggestions we would love to hear them.
Restaurants Cafes and Takeaways
Taumarunui RSA
Located directly behind the Motel on Marae St
Licensed Restaurant – Open from 5.30pm. 7 days. Sunday Roast Lunch (Winter only)
Jasmine Thai
Located on the corner of Marae and Hakiaha Sts (Main Street)
Open from 8.00 am 7 days for breakfast/lunch/dinner. Licensed.
Kiwi food plus Thai food
Golden Kiwi Takeaways
Marae St Fish and chips/burgers and Pizza. Open 6 days.
Closed Sundays.
Mr Pizza
Located opposite McDonalds – Takeaway and delivery Pizza
Phone: 07 929 0050
Kai nui Coffee cart
Monday to Saturday Hakiaha street north end.
Open 7am. Coffee, pies, toasties, cakes etc.
Rusty Nail Tavern
Hakiaha Street – south end. Open from 11am
Burgers/steak. Sports channels
Hakiaha St- north end
Open from 5.30pm Indian food
Cafe 75
Located on Hakiaha St (main street) next to Paper
Plus. Open 8.30 – 3.00pm for breakfast and lunch
Tuesday to Friday. Hours 9.00am Saturday and
Sunday. Closed Monday.
Bakehouse Cafe
Open from 5.30am weekdays weekends.
Cooked breakfast and cabinet food. Located in
Hakiaha Street opposite Railway Station.
Blue Hill Cafe Owhango
A short 15 minute drive on SH4 towards National Park/Wellington.
Open from 7am. 6 days. Closed Tuesdays.
Laurens Lavender Farm
Laurens Lavender Farm is a short drive out of town on the Forgotten Highway SH43 for morning tea or light lunch set in a picturesque setting. (Closed May through to October)